Weekly Horoscope, August 29 to 04 September 2021: Check predictions for Gemini

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For your Lucky Number and Lucky Times, Pooja, Homam & Astrology

At the beginning of the week, your Moon will be in good position , you will find many opportunities in gaining profits. your loss can turn into a gain. you may be involved in a project that can provide you with benefits over time. you can upgrade your social network to improve your status. you can expect to invest in land and other assets with the help of one of your friends. Your investment will pay off soon. From August 30 onwards, the situation will be somewhat worse, you may feel bored. you may have some separation from your obligations. you are advised to drive safely and avoid going on a risky trip.

In the middle of the week, you are likely to have negative vibes. you can be the victim of mood swings, you may find yourself standing at a crossroads. you may have health problems too, which will make you arrogant. you may not be focused, Your patience will be tested again and again. it is recommended to drive safely and will avoid risky tours. Your arrogance may have a bearing on your relationship with your spouse. Love Birds are advised to avoid arguments on the pointless topic, they may turn to difficult conversations, otherwise they may become divided. Students are encouraged to study hard. From 1 September onwards, things will be fine. you can be blessed by the moon and you can get out of this unclean state.

For the last few days, time will be positive. you can feel healthy. Your strengths can help you make difficult decisions in the pursuit of success. you may decide to renovate your house or workplace. Your focus will be on your goals. your efficiency will be enhanced and you may be ready to start new ways to grow your business. there will be an atmosphere of joy and happiness within the family. Love birds may decide to marry. you may decide to go for a trip.

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