Weekly Horoscope, August 29 to 04 September 2021: Check predictions for Leo

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For your Lucky Number and Lucky Times, Pooja, Homam & Astrology

At the beginning of the week, a positive moon can make you happy, Last week’s outbreak is now over. you will feel some progress in life. Your inner strength can help you to make the right call. Your destiny can help you bring new opportunities, which can provide a sudden lead in the right direction. Your financial situation has improved. You will decide to visit a spiritual place. you will also decide whether you are giving a certain amount to a spiritual place or to a charitable organization. Your wishes can be fulfilled now. you can be able to do good at work. Your boss are happy with your dedication to your work, you can get promotion.

In the middle of the week, with the help of destiny, you will expect to create great opportunities at work, you will feel the progress in your life. Couples are more likely to get the baby as a new family member, which can create a happy atmosphere in the family. you will meet someone important, who can help you in business. Your seniors can appreciate your performance, you may be promoted. Unmarried people can find their soul mates with the help of friends. The child’s health is fine. you will also find the edges of your overseas trip as well.

Last couple of days of the week, Your planets was negative. you will feel bored and unhappy. you will become a victim of sleeplessness. you will be impatient, you will make irrational mistakes, which can give negative results to your current project. you are advised to avoid spending money on useless things, it will produce bad energy in the house. you are also advised to avoid rush driving .You will visit a religious place in search of good energy. Your status has been greatly improved.

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