Weekly Horoscope, 14 to 20 November 2021: Check predictions for Virgo

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For your Lucky Number and Lucky Times, Pooja, Homam & Astrology

In the first couple of days of the week, you will be busy at work, and you will do your best at work. Your seniors will support you and will give you new responsibilities regarding promotions. You will expect some financial benefits, you will be able to maintain a balance between your income and expenses, which can improve your financial life. The deposit has been recovered, which can increase your business investment. You will be able to control your enemies and hidden enemies. Life could be better now. You will have to deal with some issues related to domestic issues. It is recommended to avoid being arrogant with your spouse.

Mid-week will be good for peace of mind and happiness. You will feel healthier. You will be busy with home affairs. Intimacy with your spouse is stronger now. You will expect a new partnership with the business. You will probably make quick decisions, which can give you extra business benefits. Investing in related government assets may give you a profit. Single people can find their love. Unmarried people will find their partner. Business about foreign trade, imports, medicines can do better.

In the last days of the week, situations will be mixed. You will feel lonely, you will be afraid of strange anxiety. You are advised to chant mantras and meditate. You are also advised to stay away from negative thoughts. You will be impatient and not focused on work. it is proposed to delay investment in risky assets, otherwise it will be converted to a zero investment. You are also advised to avoid fast driving. Stay away from crowded places. Students are very committed to their studies. Love birds will not be able to enjoy their happy times.

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