At the beginning of the week, you will find yourself busy with work. With the assistance of fate, you will be able to make some important decisions in your career that will prove to be beneficial in the near future. You will find satisfaction in your work and anticipate receiving a significant order that could boost your business. Your parents’ health is expected to improve at this time. The people around you will offer their support, boosting your confidence. However, you may feel fatigued due to overwork. Anxiety and stress will start to affect your daily routine, making it difficult for you to spend time with your family. Towards the end of the week, you may experience some negative emotions. You may feel unwell and struggle to find joy in both your work and family life. Fulfilling your responsibilities may become challenging, leading to impatience and self-criticism. Be cautious of your opponents and rivals during this time. Avoid getting caught up in unrealistic fantasies about your career and refrain from making new investments. Remember to also take care of your parents’ well-being.