At the beginning of the week, you may experience a lack of positivity and feel dull. Fitness issues may arise, leading to potential sleeplessness and feelings of arrogance. Your vanity could impact your personal relationships and family harmony. Be cautious of spending your hard-earned money on unnecessary items, as it may affect your financial well-being. It is recommended to manage your short temper, as it could impact your relationships both at home and in your professional life. Couples are advised to avoid unnecessary arguments. Postpone purchasing a new vehicle for a few days. Towards the end of the week, you may feel happier and be engaged in family gatherings or planning a visit to a relative. Concerns about your child’s health may cause distress. The moon’s blessings will guide you towards success. Be mindful of maintaining control over your words and ego in personal matters. Avoid conflicts in partnerships and handle disputes with patience, as positive news may be on the horizon. Sibling disagreements are likely to be resolved.