At the start of the week, you may find yourself busy with work. With the help of fate, you might be able to make important career decisions that will benefit your future. You will take pleasure in your work and your hard work may be rewarded. Your mother’s health is likely to improve. The people around you will support you, boosting your confidence. However, excessive mental exertion due to workload may leave you tired and unable to spend time with your family. You might even be late for family events. Towards the end of the week, your mood may be negative, making you feel unwell. Meeting your commitments may become challenging, affecting your reputation. You may not enjoy the present moment and struggle to handle your responsibilities. This may lead to impatience and anxiety. It is advisable to be cautious of your adversaries, as you may become a target of a conspiracy. Avoid getting caught up in career myths and refrain from making new investments. Take care of your friends and elders.