VEDA NITYA ANNADANAM – Annadanam Scheme 108 rs


Donate Rs. 108/- to the students of Shri Veda Bharathi Peetham School and this will get you the following:

Be a member of Nithya Annadhaana association. Get Saraswathi pooja/homam on your name and your clan’s/gotram name, on the auspicious day (Moola Nakshtram) of every month. Benefit/Punyam of visiting 108 pilgrims.

The reason why our saints decided to worship Astothhara Shathha Naama (108 chants) Pooja is, there are around 108 special Pilgrims in India, and so they considered 108 as the chanting number. Every chanting is considered as one pilgrim.

Our ancestors considered Vedhas as the strongest reason behind each pilgrim, you can earn blessings (Punyam) by donating food to the students who learn and chant these vedhas everyday.

Please donate Rs. 108/- and get the same benefit of visiting 108 pilgrims!

We are accepting Google Pay(Tez App), PayTm, PhonePay and BHIM

Annadanam Scheme
+91 94413 21492

Send us your Gotranama’s
We will send you Ashirwad with Vedam Students, and we are doing poojas for you at Godawari Harati.
If any occasion in your home. Please let us know.

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